Defining Initial Roles

  1. Open your project and go to the HMI Users View of the Project Editor.

  2. Define the roles that you have discovered during your user research. These roles can later be used to restrict access.

    The Role ID is a unique internal identifier. It cannot be changed later. Should be unique.

    The display name will get used inside the HMI, e.g. when being inside of the @User Mana

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  1. In this case there we’ve defined:

screenshot-2023-07-17.Google Chrome.001748@2x.png

  1. Remember to save your project! Once saved, the roles will be available in other views to restrict access to them.

Defining Initial Users

Initial users are less important than initial roles. Access will mostly be restricted by using roles.

However, initial users will be the ones that your service personnel or your customers' administrators will use to create their own user base.

<aside> <img src="/icons/dance_gray.svg" alt="/icons/dance_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Well done!

After defining and locking all those variables, pages, and elements, you can provide Provide Operators with the Ability to Manage HMI Users.
