The Project Editor allows you to edit the key features of an HMI. It consists of the Content View , Data View, and Style Tab

Top Bar

Project Menu

The Project Menu is located in the top bar of the Project Editor. It allows you to execute key actions on the currently open project, such as duplication and renaming.

Help Button (Project Editor)

»When editing a project, you can access help by using the 'Help' button located within the Main Bar

Editor Views

Content View

»The Content View of the Project Editor allows you to create and customize the visual elements of your project, such as the main HELIO Page Types as well as the HELIO Element Types on those pages.«

Data View

»The Data View allows you to connect to data sources, define PLC connections, import PLC data into your project, and enhance it with valuable information such as units, limits, or ranges.«

Style View

»The Style View lets you customize the visual appearance of your HMI, such as selecting a theme.«

HMI Users View

»The HMI Users View enables you to configure the initial HMI Users and Roles for your project. Roles allow you to control and limit access to specific pages or page sections within your HMI.«