So you have successfully imported data into your HMI following Importing Data From Data Sources Into Your Project.

One important question to ask yourself is: what actions should users be allowed to take with this data? Who should be able to read it, and even write to it? This is the focus of Authentication & Authorization in HELIO.

  1. Go to the Data View and locate the HMI Data Explorer.

  2. Click on the variable you would like to manipulate and locate the Restrictions (Data Variable Property) property group on the right.

  3. Read-only be default By default, imported data can be read by everyone. This includes anonymous users that have not signed into the HMI, yet.

    However, writing and changing data is not allowed to anyone. This is a security-driven decision that protects you from accidentally exposing important PLC parameters to everyone.

Default Restrictions

Default Restrictions

  1. Allow Manipulation In order to allow some of your users to change data you need to explicitly change the Write value restrictions.

    In this example, Administrators are allowed to change data.

screenshot-2023-06-29.Google Chrome.001561@2x.png

  1. Restrict Read Access In this example, only Administrators are allowed to read and see the actual data.

screenshot-2023-06-29.Google Chrome.001563@2x.png