Once you have been successful in Connecting HELIO to Your PLC Data Source the next step is to get the data into your project so that you can display and edit it in your HMI.

  1. Go to the Data View and locate the Data Source Explorer.

screenshot-2023-06-29.Google Chrome.001553@2x.png

  1. Expand the Data Source Explorer and locate the variable you would like to import into your project.

screenshot-2023-06-29.Google Chrome.001555@2x.png

  1. Drag the variable from the Data Source Explorer into your HMI Data Explorer. By doing this, you will define the variable in your project and link it to the variable on your PLC.

    <aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Tip: Once defined and linked, you can also rename the variable in your project. However, we recommend keeping the variable names as similar as possible in both contexts.


screenshot-2023-06-29.Google Chrome.001556.gif

<aside> <img src="/icons/dance_gray.svg" alt="/icons/dance_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Excellent work! You have successfully imported and linked PLC data to your Project!