Do you often need to switch between editing elements and testing out your HMI in the Project Editor ? Using the Edit | Test button group on top of the HMI Preview Panel (Content View) can be time consuming if you want to move fast, right?

Toggle Preview Mode: Quickly Switch Between Editing and Testing

While editing your HMI in the Content View , press the following combination of keys to quickly switch between the different Data Connection Modes (Preview Panel).

Windows Mac Linux
Toggle Editor Mode Ctrl + + Space control + + Space Ctrl + + Space

<aside> <img src="/icons/keyboard_gray.svg" alt="/icons/keyboard_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Our keyboard shortcuts have been carefully chosen to be enjoyable to use and, more importantly, not to conflict with any existing OS or browser-level shortcuts.

If you encounter any conflicts, please contact our support and inform us.

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