
»A button allows operators to initiate an action with a click or touch.«

screenshot-2023-07-19.Google Chrome.001819@2x.png


Caption *****

Text that will be displayed on the button.

screenshot-2023-07-19.Google Chrome.001819@2x.png

On c**lick**

Triggered once the user has clicked/touched and released the pointer.

<aside> <img src="/icons/hand_gray.svg" alt="/icons/hand_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Please note: This event won't happen if you release the pointer outside the button area. On touch screens that don't perform well, this can be frustrating. This is still the desired default behavior in HELIO, as we want to ensure that you do not accidentally trigger actions.


Is disabled *

Prevent operators from triggering the action of this button.

Is checked *

Let operators know that the state the button the button triggers has been activated.

screenshot-2023-07-18.Google Chrome.001786.gif