HELIO is a No-Code tool for creating industrial HMIs that is different from others. To understand why HELIO works the way it does, let's look at the challenges product teams are facing and the aspects that make HELIO unique in solving them.
Teams that build HMIs for industrial machines face many challenges, especially when under pressure to bring their products to market quickly.
HMI Teams struggle because…
Good User Experience is a great way to stay ahead of competitors because it lets customers fully utilize the potential of your machines. But the truth is, it also also damn hard!
Because Product engineering teams need to create an HMI that not only reflects their own mental model, but more importantly, that of their customers. This can be a challenging task, especially if the team that is responsible for the HMI is mostly composed of engineers also involved in developing PLC that controls the machine.
That’s why HELIO…
The HELIO Runtime, along with its accompanying design system, incorporates the ideas, knowledge, and wisdom of our design and user experience specialists.
They have over 20 years of experience, particularly in the industrial context. We have carefully made many design decisions for you in order to create future-proof and engaging HMIs. So you and your team can focus on the most important task: engineering the actual product.
HMI Teams struggle because…
Industrial HMIs Need to Adapt to Different Output Devices & Panel Suppliers
And as if that wasn't enough, they have to accomplish all of this while the parameters and usage context of their HMI is subject to change: panel suppliers are being switched, larger HMI panel sizes become available, and some of their bigger customers want to equip shift supervisors with smaller mobile tablets to easily monitor their machines from anywhere in the production facility.
That’s why HELIO…
Is a Tool for Content Modeling First, Not for Creating Pixel-Based Screens.
One of HELIO's key features is its focus on content modeling and structured content. This approach enables teams to create a content structure that serves as a foundation for creating HMIs that can adapt to different panel and screen sizes, as well as different forms of user input. You don’t draw in absolute pixel values
HMI Teams struggle because…
Every Machine is Different – Customization is not the exception, but the rule
Industrial machines as well as their HMIs are often developed for highly specialized use cases in small to medium quantities. This requires a high degree of flexibility and adaptability to different equipment and customer requirements.
That’s why HELIO…
Is a No-Code Solution that Allows All Members of Your Team to Participate
Special customizations should be configured rather than coded. With its No-Code IDE, not only developers but also project managers and UX designers can make contributions and changes to your HMIs. This empowers interdisciplinary teams to adapt HMIs quickly to very specific needs.
HMI Teams struggle because…
UX Consistency Across Different Products & Teams Is a Sisyphean Task
Ensuring consistent UX across different teams is challenging due to the varying needs, requirements, and tech stacks of each product. Making it difficult to establish a standard design system that meets the needs of all products and teams.
That’s why HELIO…
HELIO Is a Toolbox To Scale Your Corporate Design System
HELIO provides you with a head start through its built-in design system, which features the most important input and output elements. By separating content from style, HELIO ensures that product teams stay within the boundaries of this design system.
HMI Teams struggle because…
Fast Prototyping and Quick Iterations on Real Devices Are Crucial for Creating Compelling HMIs.
When building interfaces it is crucial to get feedback as fast as possible: How will this UI look on this screen size using the actual data from my PLC? The closer you get to
That’s why HELIO…
HELIO Let’s You Design & Iterate as Close to your Machine and Live Data as Possible
Helio offers several features that allow you to quickly bring your HMI closer to your panels and actual machines. You can create customized preview dimensions for your panel, use a browser on your target panel to quickly test your development version running on a different device, and even connect your HMI to a real PLC during development. Make changes to your HMI live without the need for compilation.
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Our HELIO UX Experts bring your corporate design language to life with a custom HELIO Theme that fits your Corporate Design Language.
Our HELIO Development Specialists build custom components that perfectly fit your machine.