
Float variables, also known as floating-point variables, are a data type used to represent decimal numbers with a large range of values. They can be used to measure and control physical processes that require high precision. Float variables are stored in memory as a combination of a sign bit, an exponent, and a mantissa, which allows them to represent very small and very large numbers with high accuracy. They are commonly used in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) to control and monitor industrial processes.

Define a Variable Using the Context Menu

  1. Change to the Data View.
  2. Right-click the Data or any other folder in your HMI Data View.
  3. Choose Add Variable.
  4. Choose Type Float.


Augment a Variable With Additional Metadata

Minimum and Maximum Values (Data Variable Property)

Placeholders for Offline Editing (Data Variable Property)

Auto Reset a Variable (Data Variable Property)

<aside> <img src="/icons/hand_gray.svg" alt="/icons/hand_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Note:

Float variables do not support Enumerations (Data Variable Property).

If you want to define Numeric Data Variables that can be restricted to certain values, you have to use Integer (Data Variable Type).
