The Display Condition property determines whether an element or entire page should be visible or hidden to the current user.

The condition can be set to different List of Dynamic Property Types – as long as the the property type returns true or false you’re good to go.

Restrict Access Using…

Dynamic Property Type Example Use Case
Restrict or display elements to specific HMI User Roles. You would like to display a certain field or page only for users in the Administrator group.
Restrict Elements based on variables from your PLC. Your machine must be able to support different hardware configurations, which requires showing or hiding specific parameters based on the machine model.
Use complex conditions to show or hide an element.
Make sure your condition returns true (element will be displayed) and false (element will be hidden). Hide an element if a variable is above or below a certain threshold.
Display Elements based on a static boolean value. You may want to toggle an element inside your IDE occasionally for debugging purposes.