1. Via the Data Tab

1.1 Create a Variable of Type Number

If you haven't already done so, create a Numeric Data Variables.

1.2 Edit Minimum and Maximum Values in Data Tab

  1. Visit the Data View.
  2. Select a Numeric Data Variables in the HMI Data panel.
  3. Find the Group General in the Properties Panel (Content View) .
  4. Set Minimum and Maximum properties to reasonable values.


2. Via the Content Tab: Using Quick Edit

2.1 Find Your Data Variable and Open Quick Edit

  1. Find the Data Variable property inside the Properties Panel (Content View) that is linked to the Data Variable (Dynamic Property Type) you would like to modify.

  2. Press the Quick Edit Button to open the Quick Edit Dialog

screenshot-2023-02-17.Google Chrome.000612@2x.png

  1. Edit the meta data of the variable. Use the Confirm to apply the changes to the preview.

    <aside> <img src="/icons/hand_gray.svg" alt="/icons/hand_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Note: These changes won’t be persisted to your project until you hit the Save button.


screenshot-2023-02-17.Google Chrome.000620@2x.png

2.2 Edit Minimum and Maximum and Confirm