
“A dashboard widget is an adaptive container that groups related elements and information on a Dashboard Page (Page Type).

screenshot-2023-09-21.Google Chrome.002428@2x.png

Dashboard widgets can contain a wide variety of HELIO Element Types , including Gauge (Element), Magic Input (Element) or Magic Output (Element). They are commonly used in business intelligence, data visualization, and monitoring applications.




Text that will be displayed in the widget header.

screenshot-2023-09-21.Google Chrome.002432@2x.png


This icon will be displayed in the upper left corner of the widget. It provides additional context about the widget's content and helps operators to easily find and recognize the widgets once they learn what the icon represents.

screenshot-2023-09-21.Google Chrome.002430@2x.png

****Main Action

An action that gets executed when clicking its icon. It can be used to…


This is the icon that will be displayed in the upper right corner of the widget. By pressing it, users can activate the main action.


This is the action that will get executed.

screenshot-2023-09-21.Google Chrome.002438@2x.png

Examples Elements that You Can Add to Widgets